Donnerstag, Juli 15, 2010

Today's Tweets

  • 10:09 installing the latest eclipse helios + plugins. i like the marketplace idea, very convenient. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

11 Kommentare:

Alexa hat gesagt…

Hi, I'd just like to ask how you're able to post on your blog your tweets. I tried going to LoudTwitter but I got stuck at getting the "Atom API endpoint url". Help? Thanks. :)


Pedro Garcia Millan hat gesagt…

911 in Manhattan...George Bush Jr. and his moloch buddies in order to implement more RESTRICTIVE controls on the US citizenry via the Patriot Act purposely BLOW-UP buildings, KILLING human beings and then blaming some Arabs (many of which didn't die in the supposed planes and are walking freely i may add in Saudi Arabia, Bahnrain etc.)

What do the moloch axis gain? More inroads for war in Arab & African countries, more defrauding & subverting of governments on the planet etc. It is the moloch axis that are demonic and inselubrious and PURPOSELY cause wars. With them in power, THERE WILL NEVER BE PEACE!

By the way, you just try talking out loud on a telephone line that you are going to blow up a building and you will have 2 moustachiod squad cars at your door in no time flat & the full extent of the law will slam into you like a ton of bricks! Not for the moloch axis, though, they can continue to defraud, destroy, kill, subvert sovereign governments with IMPUNITY and NO FEAR of EVER being brought to justice! So Keep talking about your WORLD COURT b.s. Axworthy because the people that NEED to be brought there NEVER will see the the doors!

Nicole hat gesagt…

Nice idea of posting twitter tweets on your blog.

scfinder hat gesagt…

great blog

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