Sonntag, März 15, 2009

Today's Tweets

  • 23:40 @mbiang huh, didn't know otherinbox was rails-based... #
  • 23:47 brainstorming up a web app for the purpose of getting my feet wet with web app tech: Wicket, Databinder, Echo2, and JQuery. #
  • 00:54 Wow brainstorming when tired can be really productive but very addictive. Finally getting 2 bed. Luckily time change isn't till next week. #
  • 13:34 @crookoo Würde den Zorn auch sehr eng mit seiner Liebe verbinden. Gegenteil von Liebe ist ja nicht Haß/Zorn, sondern Gefühlslosigkeit. #
  • 13:36 @speedymichi say hi to everyone at San Marco's for me. :) #
  • 13:38 What a fun service today. We had Wolfgang on drums for worship (yay!), which really multiplies the energy of the music. Thx Wolfgang! #
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