- 08:28 @crookoo bin für alles erlauben, was nicht illegal ist. wenn man anfängt, anti-christliches zu verbieten, dreht sich der spieß schnell um. #
- 08:39 RT from Jeff's Facebook status: "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." -Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms #
- 08:40 @crookoo is' wohl der ami in mir. redefreiheit und so. ;-) #
- 10:30 this totally made my day. :D i37.tinypic.com/2e3al38.jpg #
- 13:37 @jonskeet no, jon, YOU'RE a global conspiracy to make you productive...or something. #
- 16:42 impressed with Perf4J: hope it works as well as it sounds: perf4j.codehaus.org/devguide.html #
Dienstag, März 31, 2009
Today's Tweets
Montag, März 30, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 06:49 Doing some Wii Fit. I have a challenge going with Stephi who can do more. Winner each month gets 10€. :) #
- 08:45 woohoo! RT @CeC Skype for iPhone... coming Tuesday is.gd/pBak #
- 10:37 diving headfirst into our focus testing phase. here goes nothing. *takes deep breath* #
- 13:05 das wurde aber auch zeit! willkommen in der neuzeit, äh ich mein der Twitter-Welt, @danieltrebien. ;-) #
- 14:13 hehe @ Chasing Furies' line "could you shed some light in here". She sings it in a way it could be a candidate for is.gd/pE1F ... #
- 15:11 getting completely clobbered by the Afternoon Crash™. Coffee to the rescue! hopefully... #
- 16:08 @crookoo naja wenn schon die atheistenposter, dann auch die jesus-aufkleber. ist ja nur fair... #
- 17:02 uninstalled GDesktop since I only searched file names with it, and this tool is WAY faster for that, plus no resource hog: is.gd/9B0q #
- 20:59 oh man, a guy is about to drop from $125,000 to $500 on the German "who wants to be a millionaire." MAJOR ouch. #
- 21:02 phew, he ended up changing his mind. #
Samstag, März 28, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 19:32 LOL RT @djchuang RT @jamiemunson: @PastorMark got his face powdered. 1,000 people in audience witnessed 1st hand bit.ly/iESVh #
- 20:38 *sigh* sooo not feeling like losing an hour tonight. #
- 22:22 my pet wicket/activeobjects project is coming along nicely, thanks to this totally sweet page: wicketstuff.org/wicket13/ fun! #
Freitag, März 27, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:32 Chiming in(is.gd/pcqp):PLEASE listen to Driscoll's M&M sermon(is.gd/ozxK) if ur a man.MAJOR wake-up call for us men to be men. #
- 10:15 have some extra time left in our sprint, so evaluating clojure as a possibility for improving concurrency for our product. impressed so far. #
- 11:13 @Trupedo_Glastic lol #
- 12:13 hey anyone of my twitter followers or facebook friends on iminta? www.iminta.com if so, let me know! very cool idea if u ask me. #
- 12:25 fleet foxes have some pretty wild harmonies...i like. #
- 18:47 OK, what the...? Why is this tool SO FAST? Unreal! This 270KB(!) app blows GDesktop away when it comes to file searching. is.gd/9B0q #
- 19:02 prepping for teaching on why faith in Jesus as God and Savior makes sense. the nutshell version: "he rose from the dead." #
- 20:17 @Radman hm? #
- 22:29 @speedymichi yay! #
- 22:32 @radman ow my eyes #
- 22:34 done with teaching prep. now i wish i had one of these to relax...tinyurl.com/29gl9q afaik not satire unfortunately #
Donnerstag, März 26, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:06 great article by @ajvan on C.S. Lewis' view of the atonement with Narnia: Subjective, Substitutionary, AND Christus Victor is.gd/oXVZ #
- 23:41 good night world. oh btw here's a great old short movie from a few years back that I just LOVED. enjoy. is.gd/oYfv #
- 08:41 listening to new music I bought yesterday. tomlin's "hello love" has a few great songs I think we'll add to our reportoire e.g."I will rise" #
- 08:55 @radman congrats on 3-digit followership! :) #
- 09:46 @crookoo sag Linda sie hätte durch diesen Tweet einen Follower mehr bekommen, nämlich mich. :) #
- 11:42 Lothar Kosse should do an instrumental album. He is awesome on the electric guitar but his lyrics and singing are usually only so-so. #
- 12:34 Getting around to listening to my new David Crowder*Band album. Feel like a kid in a candy store. Instant goosebumps with "Glory of it all". #
- 13:38 gmail "multiple inboxes" rock. with filters and "superstars" you have a serious email dashboard: Inbox, ToAnswer, WaitingFor, MailingLists. #
- 13:52 @Radman yeah i downloaded that sermon last night and am definitely looking forward to hearing it. everyone is certainly atwitter about it ;) #
- 16:40 I saw one of these in berlin last year, my jaw dropped. RT @speedymichi picture of the day: rainbow over La Paz. tumblr.com/xw21hlw98 #
Mittwoch, März 25, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:29 watched the new star trek trailer and stopped watching after 30 secs because I'm sold and don't want to see 2 much. Duuude it looks awesome. #
- 11:00 LOL RT @Trupedo_Glastic Request for the next step of evolution: Earlids. #
- 11:41 The option "number of static imports needed for .*" will save me so much time. I <3 Eclipse in moments like this. #
- 14:13 please, please let this be a joke. www.informationageprayer.com/index.html #
- 16:00 Just added myself to the wefollow.com twitter directory under: #jesus #java #software #
- 21:21 "20 friends online" at Facebook. Sheesh, people, don't you have anything better to do? ;-) #
Dienstag, März 24, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:49 @radman antlr is THE way to do a parser. ;-) #
- 11:22 whoa. sleet thunderstorm... #
- 16:24 RT @noeljesse Men, this one is for you: 8 Tools That Will Change Your Life (Hold On to Your N.U.T.s) tinyurl.com/djkuf5 #
- 16:25 cranking out code like it's nobody's business... #
Montag, März 23, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 07:24 @kidcaki77 hurting, man. Hurting. #
- 09:25 definitely a typical monday morning so far. not exactly a good thing i guess. *yawn* ;) #
Sonntag, März 22, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 20:53 @Trupedo_Glastic sweet! #
- 21:00 great day. morning: great RB service. afternoon: troy siedler expansion w/friends from church. evening: Wii w/ the kids. now: NCIS then LOST #
- 22:27 @speedymichi yes and no. i was talking about the "country mcgriddles" with the sausage, egg, and cheese sandwiched in the mcgriddles. mmmmh. #
Samstag, März 21, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 14:29 @radman twitpic.com/2b6vz - Beautiful and amazing. The unbelievable miracle of life. Congrats again, Mike! #
- 14:32 teaching prep. teaching tomorrow on the meaning of the Bible in the Christian worldview. Really burdened by how important this topic is. pp. #
- 14:50 Using Dropbox to sync my teaching notes "in the cloud". BTW: if you join we both get 250MB of bonus space! is.gd/ojUr #
- 15:55 got more than enough thoughts for 4+ teachings brainstormed up. now comes the hard part:pruning away the good-but-not-for-this-time thoughts #
- 19:12 fascinated by Paul quoting from Deuteronomy and from the gospel of Luke(!) in the same sentence, calling both Scripture. is.gd/olfI #
Freitag, März 20, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 00:38 Just now got back from the RB hangout which doubled as @speedymichi 's b-day party. Good time! Now I'm tired and happy. :) gnight world. #
- 08:24 quick bio on luther by driscoll. is.gd/o97Y he didn't mention his anti-semitism(toward the end of his life) though. is.gd/o98r #
- 09:10 <---- stumped #
- 10:28 and that's Korn member #2 to become an outspoken Christian and to apologize to his own band. pretty cool if you ask me. is.gd/nhu0 #
- 10:29 @crookoo danke für den link! #
- 15:02 @Trupedo_Glastic first it was a row in front of you at the Berlin Projekt, now on a bike in Tempelhof? You sure you're not hallucinating? :) #
- 20:26 wow, quite the deal: 2000 Wii points for €10.95. is.gd/oeHi #
- 21:54 it worked! 2000 Wii points worth 20€ for 11€. Bought Secret of Mana, one of my favorite SNES games from 15 years ago. Blast from the past. #
Donnerstag, März 19, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:18 @gammaproduction enjoy! #
- 08:32 @cobblestonecn looks interesting...i'd sure love me an alpha invite. pretty please? #
- 10:42 just did a quick seminar on the Interface Segregation Principle. SOLID principles ftw. is.gd/eyUw #
Mittwoch, März 18, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 06:54 Lying in bed trying to get up. "Waking up is hard to do, doo bee doo dum dum doo be doo dum dum..." #
- 08:13 typical morning routine, catching up on Tweets, RSS Feeds, and StackOverflow. Wish there was some way to just zap all that into my brain... #
- 08:40 OK, if there are offices for programmers in heaven, this is sort of what they'd look like I think: is.gd/8iXz #
- 10:58 interrupting one of the best flow experiences i've had in quite a while to tweet about it. not very smart. *sigh* #
- 11:32 secretly wishing Austria had the death penalty. oh wait, i'm twittering about it. guess not so secretly. is.gd/nQ1z #
- 12:55 @speedymichi true but austria's social problems aren't what is stirring me up here, rather it's the unfathomable EVIL done by that father. #
- 14:16 @speedymichi Ja, bin mit Wii morgen auf jeden Fall dabei, danach müsste es auch klappen, freu mich schon. ach und LOL @ devils-wortspiel. #
- 15:47 NICE! got something done I thought would take me 2 days in 4 hours. Literally doing the engineer's victory dance. is.gd/nRUr #
Dienstag, März 17, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:21 What a trillion dollars would look like with stacks of $100 bills: www.pagetutor.com/trillion/index.html #
- 10:08 locks and threads and monitors, oh my! #
- 10:27 @tomkpunkt jo genau, schützenvereine verbieten. und ballerspiele hinterher! und dann noch death-metal musik. ach und rockmusik erst... -_- #
- 13:24 "Humanity's last invention will be the holodeck." -unknown visitor from the future #
- 15:13 Dude, regexes rock. Praise God from whom all regular expressions flow and in whom all formal languages find their being! ;) #
- 15:15 @Trupedo_Glastic lol re: karma comment. i know the feeling. it gets worse when everyone starts wondering why I'm grinning... #
- 15:20 lol RT @radman I think Larry Wall just did a little dance. #
Montag, März 16, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:39 ahhh, the Flow-inducing Chasing Furies. #awesome-bands-devoured-by-the-CCM-Machine #
- 10:52 slowly but surely twitter is taking over the world. welcome to the wild world of twitter, @gammaproduction #
- 15:31 @tomkpunkt "extrem populäres nanoblogging system. man schreibt posts <= 140 zeichen und abonniert posts von anderen. is.gd/8L1" #
- 19:40 this'll make you feel old: you know that super cute little kid on jerry mcguire? He's 18 years old now. is.gd/nAse #
- 20:56 a horrible "Second Life" CSI episode is running. can't believe this... so. bad. #
Sonntag, März 15, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:40 @mbiang huh, didn't know otherinbox was rails-based... #
- 23:47 brainstorming up a web app for the purpose of getting my feet wet with web app tech: Wicket, Databinder, Echo2, and JQuery. #
- 00:54 Wow brainstorming when tired can be really productive but very addictive. Finally getting 2 bed. Luckily time change isn't till next week. #
- 13:34 @crookoo Würde den Zorn auch sehr eng mit seiner Liebe verbinden. Gegenteil von Liebe ist ja nicht Haß/Zorn, sondern Gefühlslosigkeit. #
- 13:36 @speedymichi say hi to everyone at San Marco's for me. :) #
- 13:38 What a fun service today. We had Wolfgang on drums for worship (yay!), which really multiplies the energy of the music. Thx Wolfgang! #
Samstag, März 14, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:47 On a breakfast date with my 2-year old daughter. She was very particular about which shirt she wanted me to wear. #
- 13:00 well @speedymichi won the pop quiz even though he cheated. oh and welcome to twitter. :) #
- 16:24 wow, very cool. watch live as people from around the world tweet anything with the words "I wish", "I believe", etc. is.gd/fLU #
- 17:43 my 3-year-old son is acting like a 14-year-old girl with major PMS today. #
- 18:40 playing Mario Party with the whole family. Trash-talking three year olds are funny. "YEAH, baby, I'm gonna take ya down to Chinatown!" #
Freitag, März 13, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:25 I like Driscoll's analogy of "national" and "state" boundaries when it comes to theological differences. is.gd/n7Ha #
- 12:59 hehe "we're pretty sure they're safe"... somebody at that company is not exactly a PR guru. is.gd/nbg7 #
- 14:30 Checking out Mockito, a mocking framework for Java. OK, easy pop quiz: "You mocked me once, never do it again!" Which movie? #
- 15:24 OK so Mockito is the bomb. combine it with JMockit and virtually no class or method, however badly written, is untestable. is.gd/ncwc #
- 17:04 feierabend, baby! totally looking forward to the weekend... #
- 20:35 Wow. A bazillion MP3 albums on sale for 5€ each at Saturn. Until March 29. www.saturn.de/musikdownload/ #
Donnerstag, März 12, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:20 bummer. now lil' Luke has caught Joshua and Sarah's croop cough. You never feel more helpless than when your kids are sick... #
- 08:39 "der stern" has a "live tweet" wall w/ posts on #winnenden (where the shooting happened). my 5 secs of fame starting..NOW. is.gd/n1p9 #
- 09:59 my favorite pen in the world fell onto the u-bahn tracks this morning. so i jumped onto the tracks to save it. i seriously love my pen. :) #
- 10:54 sweet! This year's Awaken conference is going to be in Spain this year. Olé! #
- 11:48 hehe RT @Trupedo_Glastic Volksbank charges 25 EUR for a foreign bank transfer. It's almost cheaper to fly to Istanbul to deliver the cash. #
- 14:33 @radman re: awaken. yes. the GCE conference with people from all over Europe. really looking forward to it. #
- 19:31 hey, anyone else out there on Quake Live? If so, let me know your nick... #
- 21:29 well definitely got put in my place playing quake live. some of those guys' dexterity is just not of this world. unreal. #
- 22:31 :D overheard on "Germany's Next Top Model": "Ich steh' zu meinem Stinkefinger." #Tessa #GNTM #
Mittwoch, März 11, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:16 sad, sad story on SO many different levels, including the church's response (rapid-fire excommunication). is.gd/mPWq And Jesus wept. #
- 08:33 see which words I use a lot in my twitters. @Trupedo_Glastic do you feel honored? :) mytwitterweighsaton.com/people/epaga #
- 08:54 @tomkpunkt lol. 96dpi an Platz 8, öfter als "die" und "es" :D #
- 11:42 is.gd/mR0U Startup Delayer: Coolest idea since indoor plumbing. #
- 15:35 Wow. GREAT contrast. RT @noeljesse Interesting article with Ed Young and Neil Cole interviewed together: bit.ly/3SDFB0 #
- 19:00 RT @soomah The search for the cause of the shootings. "played w/ guns as a kid", "violent computer games"? how about "he was a bad person"? #
- 20:12 dang, i finally find the time to try out @quakelive and boom the server goes down for 2 hours for an update. :-( #
Dienstag, März 10, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:13 @ajvan twitterfon works great 4 me #
- 08:20 Tropic Thunder: Coulda been great, but 2 much gross Stiller humor. Downey Jr. deserved the Oscar nom. he got though. Black was so NOT funny. #
- 13:05 LOL is.gd/mi6G "There's No U in Ministry: A Woman's Guide - Mark Driscoll" "This Book Looks Longer Than It Really Is - Rob Bell" #
- 13:11 cool! @stephi seems to have started twittering again after quite the hiatus... #
- 16:29 Ouch. Piper lays the smackdown on Wilkerson's doomsday prophecy. is.gd/mwfD #
- 18:18 yay, my laptop's back from the repair place. they gave me a nice laptop bag to boot! now i don't have to keep borrowing Stephi's laptop. :) #
- 18:19 @radman for piper it's as smackdownish as it gets. :) #
- 22:36 Just finished watching Baader-Meinhof Komplex. Great movie. Reminded me a lot of "Untergang": very real yet somehow kept at a safe distance. #
Montag, März 09, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:22 @kevinpollak "instant help"...well...as soon as you hit 4-digit followers... #
- 08:24 ticked off at German bureaucracy. I need one single frickin' stamp, that's all, and will probably have to invest 5-7 hours(!!!) to get it. #
- 15:21 rebooted my commitment to inbox zero...we'll see how long i last this time... -_- #
- 16:16 we now have a burndown chart for our 3-wk sprint. smell our agility yet? :) still missing daily standup meetings, TDD. getting there though! #
Sonntag, März 08, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 20:54 dang. filing for my kids to become US-citizens would cost me 350$ each... guess that can wait. too bad. #
- 20:56 @Trupedo_Glastic yes. sad that that's all you see. #
- 21:45 @Trupedo_Glastic IMHO you're misinterpreting the "truth in love" you encounter in Christian communities as moves of control and power. #
Samstag, März 07, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 00:01 finished teaching prep on Christian theism as world view & how you arrive there. nutshell: is.gd/mc7C contrasted w/ is.gd/mc9t #
- 00:07 @Radman happy birthday, bro! may you experience life in abundance this year. may you enjoy God ROCKING your world once the kiddo arrives :) #
- 19:07 played Street Fighter IV with Toby & Joshua. How many 3-year-olds do you know who can consistently do Hadoukens? is.gd/lnVL I know 1. #
Freitag, März 06, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:19 crossing my fingers to get an iphone case. #EvernoteClarifiGiveaway #
- 08:45 causality and correlation hilarity on XKCD is.gd/m3ac (yeah I gave up http://➡.ws/ because facebook doesn't adhere to URL standards) #
- 10:45 ok so @jonskeet is unreal. check out his answer to my question that he wrote in 5 (!!!) minutes. is.gd/m44V #
- 15:21 conflict resolution ftw... -_- #
- 16:33 bummed out that the free kindle iphone app is US-only. *shakes fist in Amazon's general direction* #
Donnerstag, März 05, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:21 @bobhyatt do you know if the seminars are (going to be) available as MP3s? #
- 08:22 lol "Man Changing World One Facebook Group at a Time" http://➡.ws/뿠 #
- 08:32 RT @TheMime ... #
- 10:48 Liskov Substitution Principle FTW. #
- 12:31 Chuck Norris can recite all the digits of Pi. Backwards. #
- 13:41 @andypotter yeah, it might take a while for you. not for chuck norris. if he started now, he'd be done a minute ago. #
- 15:16 @andypotter @noeljesse you might like @bobhyatt he is live twittering from the ecclesianet conference #
Mittwoch, März 04, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:19 really excited about a thought I had this morning on the difference of attitude between agnosticism and faith in Christ. will blog later. #
- 13:10 wrote up a blog post "Christian agnosticism?" http://➡.ws/ɞ #
- 16:09 @noeljesse it's well worth it, it's a great series that makes me want to play it for our whole church. #
- 20:20 eating a piece of Stephi's in.cre.dible cheesecake. It's so awesome you could almost use it as an apologetic for the existence of God. #
- 21:10 RT @bobhyatt rate of reproduction of early church= Rabbits. Modern Church? = Pandas. #ecclesianet #
Dienstag, März 03, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:47 RT @crokoo wouldn't mind 2019 looking something like this (especially the second video) tinyurl.com/cg5sal #
- 09:06 sad to see Dave Lennander leave, it was a great time. miss having him and Sandy in Berlin. #
- 13:09 whoa, this is cool. the shortest urls on the planet: http://➡.ws/檘 #
- 13:50 random thought: you know what? I love programming and software engineering. It is just plain fun and challenging and beautiful. #
- 14:53 listening to the joe satriani ripoff "Viva la Vida". ;-) Hmm.. I wonder what ever happened to that lawsuit? #
- 15:34 @Radman yeah figuring out sex is a great part of married life. oh, wait...figuring out THE sex. #
Montag, März 02, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:26 haha RT @google: @yahoo @live_search thanks for the warm welcome! #
- 08:33 yesterday a guy snored quite loudly in the second half of my teaching. it has never been so hard for me to concentrate during a teaching. :) #
- 08:35 @Trupedo_Glastic did i miss it or have you not tweeted the news you broke to her parents? :) #
- 10:25 @Trupedo_Glastic hm...i'll have to guess then. let me see...you've decided to grow a chinstrap beard? is.gd/loDB #
- 11:13 @Trupedo_Glastic sounds good. i wouldn't be offended if you didn't tell me, your tweets just made me curious (and seemed to intend do so ;) #
- 11:29 just got a new keyboard at work. feels like riding a new bike. i had quite the love-hate relationship with my last one. #
- 12:05 aww yeah, i love the smell of squashed bugs in the morning. especially ones that took a tenth of the time i was expecting to have to take. #
- 16:27 stop(); // Hammertime! #
- 17:56 hehe, YouTube auto-replaced HammerTime with a jazz song to protect copyright: tinyurl.com/2owurr thx @tomkpunkt #
- 17:57 oh wait, no, youtube didn't auto-replace it, the guy just uploaded random jazz music because they blocked it. that's different i guess. :) #
- 17:58 bummed out because our video idea for church totally bombed due to ambient noise. memo to me: next time use a microphone. #
- 23:00 just watched the latest LOST episode. Hwoah. I predict it will be a very, very long time before there will be a series as cool as LOST. #
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