Montag, November 17, 2008

Today's Tweets

  • 08:45 good start into the week with Switchfoot serenading in my ear... "I Dare You To Mooooooooove" #
  • 10:48 @Trupedo_Glastic i agree, very interesting stuff. so rare for a christian artist to correctly portray the darkness of e.g. Job/Ecclesiastes #
  • 10:49 RT @Trupedo_Glastic Interesting take on why christian art generally sucks (pt. 1): #
  • 12:48 excited since we're getting close to having something resembling a product backlog at work. #
  • 13:16 this is one of the most relaxing and intriguing little flash games I've come across in a long time. #
  • 14:03 Jewel's Mom always has sort of freaked me a little out on that "Little Bird" bonus track. #
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