- 13:35 laughing hard at Tominthebox's "Pastor's proposal of 7-day Bible Reading Challenge met with confusion". is.gd/9fI7 #
- 13:39 @Trupedo_Glastic sad but not surprising (IMHO) #
- 15:52 looking forward to getting off work in 68 minutes, because then it's off to Cologne for some literally sweet family Thanksgiving goodness. #
Freitag, November 28, 2008
Today's Tweets
Dienstag, November 25, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:11 @noeljesse whatever was open when i closed it last time #
- 08:12 wakin' up is hard to do, doo bee doo dum dum, doo bee doo dum, dum... ooh! @fakejohnpiper is following me! score! #
- 09:09 amazed to be hearing the (formerly anti-unit-test) lead developer extol the benefits of unit tests to a coworker. awesome! #
Montag, November 24, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:33 twittering that i'm twittering that i'm twittering that i'm twittering my status. #
- 15:03 hardly anything i've done today has tangible results. not exactly motivating... #
- 16:02 looking forward to going bowling with a coworker. and by that i mean actual bowling, with a real 14 pound ball. none of this wii nonsense. #
- 16:15 just found a solution on StackOverflow that otherwise would have taken me hours and hours to find. there should be a stackoverflow for life. #
Sonntag, November 23, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 22:33 sank a few freighters and a nice fat cruiser before being sent to the bottom of the ocean by 6(!) destroyers. I <3 SH4. is.gd/8HVW #
Samstag, November 22, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 11:27 thinking some more about the rich young ruler for the teaching tonight. Isn't Western culture all about making us rich, young rulers? #
- 14:52 Before the throne of God above I have a strong, a perfect Plea. A great high priest whose name is Love, who ever lives and pleads for me. #
- 21:34 starting into my much-needed Sabbath with beer in hand. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! :) #
Freitag, November 21, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:27 @Trupedo_Glastic machen die Hymnen, eher contemporary zeuchs (Kosse etc.), eigene sachen, oder bunt gemischt? ich sollte da mal vorbei :) #
- 08:29 dude...the GMail themes/skins are awesome! Incredibly well done and easy to set up. #
- 09:12 RT @Rafe Pro PR Tip #78: It's it: Punctuation: Know it. Spelling, too. It's is not its. If you can't master basic English..is.gd/8oKK #
- 09:34 slaying ancient bugs. It's fun 'cause it tricks me into feeling more productive than i actually am. wish i hadn't forgotten my ipod @home :( #
- 10:43 yay! snow! #
- 14:35 Ahhh, wonderful, painful, joyful, beautiful, ugly, stressful, peaceful, bittersweet, wonderful Life. yeah i said wonderful twice. #
Donnerstag, November 20, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:50 ah boy, the day starts off with conflict. :-/ not fun. #
- 12:52 "buzzing" after listening to t. keller on how vital it is to have a strong "hidden" walk w/god and how easy it is to rely on gifting instead #
- 12:58 blown away by the video chels posted. is.gd/7SL3 #
- 21:48 @Trupedo_Glastic cool! (also jetzt wg drums für BP) was machen die da eigentlich für musik? #
Mittwoch, November 19, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:32 it's funny cause it's so true tinyurl.com/5nwbvm #
- 12:58 should be doing teaching prep... must ... tear myself away from ... facebook... #
- 13:32 preparing for luke 18 I was reminded of Derek Webb's "Rich Young Ruler" is.gd/86RK #
- 14:47 I get a surge of schadenfreude looking out at the poor ppl battling the wind and rain. then i remember it'll be my turn in ~2 hours. :( #
Montag, November 17, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:45 good start into the week with Switchfoot serenading in my ear... "I Dare You To Mooooooooove" #
- 10:48 @Trupedo_Glastic i agree, very interesting stuff. so rare for a christian artist to correctly portray the darkness of e.g. Job/Ecclesiastes #
- 10:49 RT @Trupedo_Glastic Interesting take on why christian art generally sucks (pt. 1): is.gd/7OBH #
- 12:48 excited since we're getting close to having something resembling a product backlog at work. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrum_(development) #
- 13:16 this is one of the most relaxing and intriguing little flash games I've come across in a long time. is.gd/7PlB #
- 14:03 Jewel's Mom always has sort of freaked me a little out on that "Little Bird" bonus track. #
Sonntag, November 16, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 15:01 this is pretty sweet: Google Maps meets Wikipedia. wikimapia.org #
- 15:01 @Trupedo_Glastic Google Reader FTW! #
- 16:29 sarah counting: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22....." #
Samstag, November 15, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:54 "yes, good show, wasn't it, everyone? oh goodness, look at the time. now it's off to bed, off to bed." #
- 08:28 currently in ezekiel in my QT...i love how pretty much every nation in the world gets the major thumbs down in ezekiel. it's almost funny. #
- 10:33 i absolutely LOVE the random hugs I get from my daughter Sarah. #
- 21:29 narnia's on tv. Mrs. Beaver: "goodness, you're worse than Mr. Beaver on bath day" ... Mr. Beaver: "the worst day of the year" tah's phunnie. #
Freitag, November 14, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 11:13 headache city. #
- 20:42 had some fun with Audacity and taped myself in 4 different voices with a choir song. Enjoy www.box.net/shared/3qlj355s6m #
Erneure Mich
I had a little fun with the audio program Audacity and recorded myself with 4 different voices with a choir song I found here: http://www.asamnet.de/~schmidtp/gesangbuchlieder/noten/noten.htm
Enjoy. The text means
Renew me, o eternal light
And let from Your face
My heart and soul be
shone through and enlightened
Donnerstag, November 13, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:21 laughing at the image Noel posted about forwarding "funny" emails. is.gd/7iR3 #
- 08:47 "Died he for me? who caused his pain! For me? who him to death pursued? Amazing love! How can it be that thou, my God, shouldst die for me?" #
- 11:36 rough day. #
- 13:04 having my quiet time over lunch break. i love john's epistemology in john 9. i love the humility AND the confidence of the once-blind man. #
- 22:20 ok this is soooo silly. but...so funny. (note that ed is not serious, i didn't get it until i watched the youtube video) is.gd/7o5d #
Mittwoch, November 12, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 09:17 taking a look at AspectJ. looks like it might be very helpful for development / debugging / testing. is.gd/76I5 #
- 10:10 just heard that Joshua has chicken pox or something of the sort... not good since a) Stephi's pregnant and b) I've never had chicken pox. #
- 12:05 doctor said he has some kind of allergic reaction, so - no chicken pox. yay. sort of. :) #
- 12:41 bummed because the cup of yoghurt i bought is actually quark, not yoghurt. fail. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quark_(cheese) #
Dienstag, November 11, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:18 "die amerikaner glauben an die rettung der welt durch autosuggestion, die deutschen durch pfandflaschen" -wirtschaftswoche s.5 #
- 13:49 @andypotter amen! :) #
- 16:25 just saw the most incredible rainbow I have ever seen. couldn't get away from the window. Unreal. I'll post a video of it later I think. #
- 23:01 this is so surreal: Holocaust survivors are getting mad at the Mormons for baptizing dead Jewish relatives by proxy. is.gd/747K #
Montag, November 10, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:57 Had an awesome Einweihungsparty yesterday. Whatever that is in English. Housewarming party I guess. But I like Einweihungsparty better. #
- 08:58 @Trupedo_Glastic Krasse Sache. #
- 15:46 Mike Myers - "My theory is that all of Scottish cuisine is based on a dare." #
- 20:09 A tv show just taught me why lots of pirates wore eye patches - that way one eye was used to the dark, so they could quickly see below deck. #
Freitag, November 07, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:12 AWESOME! They translated the "Nicht Lustig" comics into English! If you want some really, really good laughs, go here: is.gd/6raQ #
Donnerstag, November 06, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 07:30 Just noticed Peter calls the Bible "more sure" than his own eyewitness experience of transfiguration. Text-centric FTW :). is.gd/6tdT #
- 08:51 Prayer and Fasting Fail: tinyurl.com/5c2z5p #
- 12:44 "The Lemming Gardener": www.nichtlustig.de/toondb/081106.html #
- 16:05 "just get lonely sometimes..." ah, such incredible memories of KC, road trips with Waterdeep in the van's cassette deck, and HSLTs. #
Mittwoch, November 05, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:10 Wow, what an incredible concession speech. Why wasn't McCain like this the past few months? is.gd/6nKW #
- 08:51 "Barack me Obamadeus!" #
- 19:10 lol: "obama nation" sounds like "abomination" :-D #
- 19:13 working on luke 16 for saturday. what's up with verse 18? It seems to stick out like a sore thumb in that context. #
- 19:55 @Trupedo_Glastic LOL. Geil. #
- 20:19 never actually heard the "Gotta Serve Somebody" song by Bob Dylan till today. It's really cool. tinyurl.com/2vr7fp #
- 21:00 @andypotter plus we have the added bonus of not even living in the States, so either candidate would've only had an indirect effect on us :) #
- 22:54 I really appreciate Driscoll's thoughts on the election. is.gd/6k3G #
Dienstag, November 04, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:38 @Trupedo_Glastic musste an deinen Post denken...Piper zu Palin: tinyurl.com/5keczo #
- 23:46 "Bush Asks Advice For This Friend Of His Who Invaded Iraq"... is.gd/6fsi #
- 08:17 saying "Amen, Kenyon". tinyurl.com/6juvzr #
- 09:39 wow, really impressed by some of the new GMail labs features. GMail is turning into a nice hub. #
- 09:44 "Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to die." ... "Play it, boys!!" #
- 11:08 @Trupedo_Glastic Hab nicht gesagt, dass ich mit dem Piper-Video einv. bin. Gottes Gericht zu definieren find ich auch ein wenig heikel :) #
- 13:59 go barr! :) #
- 16:40 "as giddy as a schoolgirl" cause I found someone who pointed me to someone else who was able to send me the syllabus for the Keller seminars #
Montag, November 03, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:20 "I'm finding everything I'll ever need by giving up, gainin' everything. [...] I am yours forever and ever and ever and ever...etc." #
- 08:52 Look at this picture. Remember it. is.gd/5X6s (found here: is.gd/5X7Q) #
Sonntag, November 02, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 00:07 most boring "schlag den raab". evar. #
- 12:21 Hilarious. "Et tu, Palin?" tinyurl.com/5hbuyt #
- 17:56 made a 3-course meal for Stephi due to a lost bet. It actually tasted great! :) Honey-baked chicken with gnocchi on sage-butter sauce. Yum. #
- 20:26 saddened by the impression that so many U.S. Christians are turning the election into a spiritual litmus test. #
Samstag, November 01, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 11:39 I love the ring of the blurb on my wife's hand lotion: "softens and smooths...as it kills germs" #
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