- 10:31 one of my coworkers just did a short presentation on performance analysis of MergeSort. Gettin' all nostalgic remembering my CS classes... #
- 13:33 excited&motivated after lunch with @speedymichi where we talked a bit about how RB can become a loving community of mutual disciple-makers. #
- 14:07 @speedymichi speaking of new new journalism... is.gd/vAcV #
Donnerstag, April 30, 2009
Today's Tweets
Mittwoch, April 29, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:56 I should do a sermon some time on God's "test-driven development" of our character. is.gd/vhDt #
- 10:50 history lesson: first actual case of computer bug being found: tinyurl.com/4yxtk9 (read the description below!) #
- 14:38 seriously, if you know anything about Mark Driscoll, you will get a LOT of laughs out of @fakepastormark's tweets. is.gd/vl3B #
- 21:13 Hmmm @PastorMark how about raising up 100 new preachers instead of streaming your sermons to 100 locations? bit.ly/14eZZK #
- 22:08 pandemic level was raised to 5 about 20 seconds ago. eeks. #
Dienstag, April 28, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:52 Google Code is adding Mercurial version control support. is.gd/uT8U #
- 09:16 diving headfirst into our focus testing phase. here goes... *dive* #
- 10:40 random shuffle on crowder songs. Weird because their albums have a kind of emotional flow between the songs which gets screwed up this way. #
- 22:41 ah, boy, sarah just tossed her cookies. twice. *sigh* so much for a good night's rest. #
- 22:58 make that three times. :-( poor little girl... #
Montag, April 27, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:20 ok i have 1 hour till i get interrupted by a meeting...time for a Chasing Furies concentration phase... #
- 11:47 a friend gave us some yummy leftover couscous yesterday. Stephi said she was positive I'd forget to bring it to work today. she was right :( #
- 11:49 Fleet Foxes brainwashing... "Oliver James, washed in the rain...NOOOOOOOO LOOOOOOONGEER" #
- 11:57 off to lunch with @speedymichi #
- 14:58 astounded by another awesome card created by Stephi, this time for joshua's upcoming 4th b-day. she should start a card company or something #
- 15:23 @speedymichi that's right and you should become a professional motivator. </sarcasm> ;) #
- 16:24 welcome to twitter @dcmfield! it's a jungle out here... #
- 19:29 finally going to get to specific planning of our upcoming summer trip to the U.S. tonight. sorry @radman for taking so long! #
- 22:25 anyone else interested in joining the alpha test of my prayer networking tool, let me know. #
Sonntag, April 26, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 13:19 great weekend in Köln/Dortmund, really encouraging service this morning. Now: Opening of RB beach volleyball season! #
- 18:14 back from volleyball. so fun, 'fraid i'm going to get a sunburn though... #
- 22:40 just watched the next to latest lost episode. lost is the star wars of my generation if you ask me. #
Freitag, April 24, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:17 lost my passport, couldn't find it anywhere. last night we prayed as a family to find it. while praying stephi had an idea and we found it. #
- 08:40 very cool! an article from toby, one of the guys in our church, was just published on gamasutra. is.gd/uekd congrats, toby! #
- 09:41 mighty ipod random song list, what's up? "Humble Me"(Norah Jones). How should I do that? "Love is not against the law"(Derek Webb). I see... #
- 10:01 this morning my fingernail split in two down the left side. OUCH. just wanted to share my pain with you. you're welcome. #
- 10:22 @Trupedo_Glastic dude, right as I read your tweet, a Fleet Foxes song starts on my "all songs" random shuffle. whiskey tango foxtrot? #
Donnerstag, April 23, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:19 too tired to go to bed. #
- 08:26 @jeffreymoss to send a direct message do something like "d epaga testing direct messaging" as your message. welcome to twitter btw! :) #
- 10:36 *braiiiiins*...uh...i mean...coooooofffffffeeeeeeeee.... #
- 11:16 programmer's proverb: there is legacy code that is so bad it's funny..there is also legacy code that is so bad it isn't funny. like, at all. #
- 15:38 grinding out code to some Norah Jones. OK, not quite as paradoxical as coding to Gregorian Chants, but hey. (looking at you @radman) #
Mittwoch, April 22, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:36 LOL "God Makes Surprise Visit To Local Church" is.gd/tOFT "some suspected the church's new electric organ might have been the reason" #
- 09:47 just love DCB... ♫ you make everything glorious, and i am yours...what does that make me? ♫ #
- 11:25 going to give an intro to Mockito this afternoon. Way cool mocking tool. "You mawk moi pain, nevva dew it agane! Oi doid thutt day." #
- 11:55 about to have the weekly lunch break phone conf. with the 3-Ds - Dad (aka Daniel), Dave, and Dieter. #
- 13:07 /signed RT @Trupedo_Glastic Demo bei www.spreeblick.com. Bitte mitmachen. #
- 13:10 "The 3 Ds" reminds me of the band I wish would have existed: John (Hudson), myself, and JP. We would have called ourselves "3 Js and a P". #
- 14:44 @jonskeet dude are you getting down about a single no-reason downvote? seriously? #
- 15:48 @jonskeet maybe there's a reason, maybe not, but if you're looking to improve your answers, i'd pick answers u know how to improve ;) #
- 16:07 @andypotter www.stackoverflow.com FTW #
- 16:29 welcome to twitter, @artesta! #
- 16:31 ooh! if @artesta follows me, i'll hit 3-digit followership! (followers, please don't leave me for tweeting this) :) #
- 17:01 yesterday i killed a bug that had a symbiotic relationship with a different bug which then today reared its ugly, previously invisible head. #
Dienstag, April 21, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:42 WOW. For 5 days, Atlassian is basically giving away their $4800 Jira bug tracker for $5 for charity. (limited to 5 users) is.gd/tooI #
- 08:46 Major LOL, RT @fakepastormark Carson sleeps with his eyes open and is using my ESVSB for a pillow. Wow. I need some beef jerky. #
- 09:21 @speedymichi i'm seriously thinking about it, if nothing else just for the charity! :D we'd be more than 5 users at work, though... #
- 09:31 @speedymichi just ordered it for myself. i mean, hey - 4€ for a perpetual license? who knows when it'll come in handy? :) #
- 10:28 @speedymichi and now our company just ordered one too :) #
- 10:28 doing some test-driven GUI bug fixing with FEST. #
- 13:13 @speedymichi possibly. currently i'm using fogbugz for it and it's working fine. i'll be trying out jira and if it's better i'll switch. #
- 13:35 this is.gd/tE0q is the presentation martin fowler and others are SO excited about ( is.gd/tDWc is.gd/tE1v ) #dsldevcon #
Montag, April 20, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:07 ok so tokbox is just incredible as long as you have a good connection. 7 connections at the same time! So fun!! www.tokbox.com #
- 06:53 Having a good old-fashioned retro quiet time for once. I.e. with a REAL Bible, REAL journal, and REAL pen. Full analog power ahead! #
- 08:49 twitpic.com/3n9kb - Here's a screenshot from our family video conference last night. It was such a blast. #
- 14:16 @Trupedo_Glastic Christ the deckchair destroyer, huh? :D #
- 14:51 pretty big news: oracle buys sun. is.gd/tre1 #
- 16:26 @andypotter i also wonder what it means for solaris, mysql (!), etc. etc. etc... #
- 17:03 feierabend! looking forward to Screwtape Letters tonight at Oasis, led by @speedymichi. #
Sonntag, April 19, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:45 joshua's arm is keeping him awake. poor little guy... :-( #
- 00:41 joshua's arm is keeping us all awake. poor old us... #
- 15:32 playing ticket to ride with @speedymichi, maggie, toby, and stephi. want to watch us? www.tokbox.com/conf/5v6hu7arc3uc3j77 #
- 16:52 yay, i won! :) well just closed the tokbox video conference...guess no one wanted to watch us. ;P #
- 20:25 looking forward to a 10-person Goering family online video "reunion" with Tokbox... www.tokbox.com #
- 23:07 ok so tokbox is just incredible as long as you have a good connection. 7 connections at the same time! So fun!! www.tokbox.com #
Samstag, April 18, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:22 d'oh! just accidentally reset the db for my app and didn't have backups running yet. luckily this happened now with virtually no data... #
- 00:00 take it back: data's still there (phew). activeobjects does a great job of keeping data intact. was seeing test data, thought it was real. #
- 20:56 ok i know i'm like 6 months too late in noticing this, but "World of Goo" is GORGEOUS and WONDERFUL. Worth far more than the 15€ it costs. #
Freitag, April 17, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 00:09 excited because my alpha testers are starting to use my app and it's working! really, really fun. wish i had more time to work on it. #
- 08:21 Wow! My dad joined Twitter! How cool is that? Welcome, @KUJayhawk70! Hey all you non-twittering Facebookers: if my Dad can twitter so can u. #
- 09:50 i also just noticed i never welcomed my mom on twitter either: @aslanschild and @KUJayhawk70 FTW! :) #
- 10:42 headache city. i wonder if i can WILL my headache to go awa......ouch, guess not. #
- 13:44 "Oh, come on! A 5 year-old would understand this! ... Somebody get me a 5-year old!" #
- 16:09 Interesting thought by TallSkinnyKiwi - applying Hebrews 3:13 ("encourage each other daily") to Twitter: is.gd/sWh7 #
- 18:21 Awww man. From the looks of it, Joshua broke or fractured his left lower arm. Stephi is bringing him to the hospital as I tweet. :( #
- 21:00 @speedymichi danke. wie ist übrigens das gespräch gelaufen? #
- 21:01 still don't know about Joshua's arm, there are some car crash victims so he got bumped back a few spots, and they haven't x-rayed him yet. #
- 21:44 according to the x-ray his arm isn't broken. his elbow still hurts at any movement though. :( doctors told us to just keep an eye on him. #
Donnerstag, April 16, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 11:41 looking forward to falafel lunch with @speedymichi #
- 14:02 had a great lunch with @speedymichi but phew. rough afternoon, I'm pretty tired. about to go get my 3rd cup of coffee for the day. #
Mittwoch, April 15, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:53 I just sent around the invites to kick off the alpha phase of my lil' pet web app project. Exciting!! Hope it works... :) #
- 00:04 3..2..1... happy birthday to me...and good night world... :) #
- 08:25 @kidcaki77 @tom_mauriello @radman @trupedo_glastic thanks guys! #
- 08:31 @tomkpunkt while(true) if (new Date().getDay() != 14) throw new InterruptedException("so jetzt reicht's mit den Glückwünschen"); #
- 08:43 d'oh! I forgot the cake stephi made for me to bring to work. man i sure hope i don't get even MORE forgetful with age... #
- 10:50 It's kind of depressing that an office chair that auto-twitters each time its owner passes gas has 23x as many followers as me. @OfficeChair #
- 10:50 @speedymichi thx! bis morgen! #
- 11:39 @andypotter personally my favorite "silly twitter" is @TheMime #
- 13:09 "In science we have been reading only the notes to a poem; in Christianity we find the poem itself." - C. S. Lewis #
Dienstag, April 14, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:34 back at work for the first time in a week and a half. Feels good. Time 4 coffee... :) #
- 09:58 thinking that the phrase "a ways away" is kind of cool, now that I think about it. #
- 13:24 "...did it for love." did what? i have absolutely no idea. #
- 13:26 mariah carey is telling me she'd "give her all for my love tonight". hmm...or maybe she doesn't mean me... #
- 14:51 gotta love those eureka moments. celebratory dance initiated. #
Montag, April 13, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 19:59 We searched for one of our games for 20+ mins. Thought we had lost it in Slovenia. Joshua: Let's ask Jesus! 20 seconds later we found it. :) #
- 20:59 are the words "christian" and "christianity" changeworthy because of all the rotten baggage they carry nowadays? is.gd/sa94 #
Samstag, April 11, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 00:01 about to do a midnight chat with ex-GCM MKers on Tokbox: www.tokbox.com/conf/jpaaaiqdvvqx689v #
Mittwoch, April 08, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 10:29 RT @Radman WiiSpray.com: This is a really cool use of the Wii. www.wiispray.com/ #
Dienstag, April 07, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:03 About to hear @tom_mauriello give an update on gcm. Had a wonderful night of sweet sleep and a great breakfast. #
- 20:44 discussing what the "priesthood of believers" means practically: why do so many Christians think they need someone else to "feed" them? #
Montag, April 06, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 04:55 And we're off like a herd of turtles!! #
- 19:31 Sitting in a conference room surrounded by tons of good friends from throughout Europe. So great. #
- 22:26 Yay, I have wifi in my hotel room! Having a great time so far. Now, to catch up on the sleep I lost by getting up at 4 am this morning... #
Sonntag, April 05, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 00:03 excited because i got my dyndns account to work - my dad was able to access my lil' (pre-alpha, as-of-yet ugly) web app from his computer! #
- 21:24 getting ready for our trip to bled, slovenia. woohoo!!! really looking forward to a week away. #
Samstag, April 04, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 00:25 "The Whopper Sacrifice" app - delete 10 Facebook friends, get a Whopper. Totally hilarious idea. is.gd/qBM2 #
- 15:44 kids are watching Shrek for the first time. this way it's almost like watching it the first time for me, too. :) #
- 18:22 Hmmm 4 more Twitter followers then I'm at 100... #g20rally #g20 #obama #followme #fml ;-) #
Freitag, April 03, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:26 whoa. google is "in late-stage talks" to buy Twitter. I, for one, welcome our new Twittering Google overlords. is.gd/qrML #
- 09:11 @Trupedo_Glastic Driscoll sagte dazu mal "every church is cutting edge for some year" - cutting edge 2009, 2000, 1960...or 1881. :) #
- 09:14 slowly approaching The Zone™ through careful coordination of caffein level, aural input, and mental concentration. #
- 09:35 @speedymichi nice! have a great time! say hi! :) #
- 11:33 programming is so fun when things work. excuse me while i do a little woot. WOOT! #
- 12:15 lunch break - it's warm enough I'm going outside without a jacket! beautiful weather! #
- 13:44 excited that david crowder band is coming to Berlin!!! sa-weet!!! #
- 22:31 toby organized a passover dinner tonight, it was a great time talking about all the symbolism. Yummy food and great company. Thanks Toby! #
Donnerstag, April 02, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 13:26 Latest blog post from @noeljesse: is.gd/qgCi Encouraging since RB is in a similar situation (though we're a fraction of Riv's size). #
- 14:33 yay! we're going to start standup-meetings tomorrow! woohoo! #
- 22:54 LOL makes me feel good RT @PastorMark working on sermon on 1Pe 3:18-22. Literally 180 interpretations, even Luther has no idea what it means #
Mittwoch, April 01, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:15 Funny picture to start the day: what a smart dog... tinyurl.com/dltqcs #
- 10:11 obama is raising the stimulus budget from 3 to $6 trillion?!?!?! what the..??! tinyurl.com/2g9mqh #
- 11:04 love the "cornify" buttons on the stackoverflow questions. is.gd/q2Cg www.cornify.com #
- 11:37 @tomkpunkt wie, ich denk du bist nachmittags wieder hier im schönen sonnigen büro? #
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