- 23:39 ended up watching Snatch with Schades + Dave. Deeply enjoyed Brad Pitt's performance in that movie. g'night world. #
- 15:35 teaching prep city for our series on the Christian world view, starting off with "what is truth". Tough to not get too heady on people. :) #
- 15:39 @Trupedo_Glastic ts, hast Geburtstag und sagst nix also ehrlich...;) herzlichen Glückwunsch "nachträglich"! ;) #
Samstag, Februar 28, 2009
Today's Tweets
Freitag, Februar 27, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:26 @ajvan yeah just read that book and really enjoyed it. i think it sounds easier than it is. :) #
- 08:32 recognizing that life in christ abounds in intense pain, deep meaning, and lasting hope. don't let anyone dumb it down for you. #
- 10:23 fascinated by the possibilities of a combo of git (git-scm.com/), git-svn (is.gd/4lUe), and gerrit (is.gd/l4C2)... #
- 20:12 Chillaxing at the Schades with a beer in hand. #
Donnerstag, Februar 26, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:39 is.gd/kVLk is mainly known by the second sentence. but the first one is quite an encouraging kick in the butt by paul. #
- 09:26 @crokoo hehe, die welt ist klein. grüß ihn und gratulier ihn mal von mir (John) #
- 09:29 about to do a quick 10-15 minute "tutorial" on the "Open Closed Principle". www.objectmentor.com/resources/articles/ocp.pdf #
- 11:51 wow! THE tallskinnykiwi is quoting Anthony Testa in his latest post on Victor John! enjoy your 5 min. of fame, Anthony! :) is.gd/kWv2 #
- 12:21 finally getting around to reading the excellent geek classic "Microserfs" by the incredible Douglas Coupland over lunch break. #
- 13:22 hwoah. amazon is making 1 TB (that's ~1000000 MB for non-geeks) of data publicly accessible. information age on steroids. is.gd/kOCV #
- 13:49 had a choice to go to a planning meeting for a dialog or test our product on a JRun server. I'm testing. Yeah....Exactly. #
- 14:36 voluntary embarrassment FTW: Stephi's Backstreet Boys songs are on my iPod, and AJ is singing into my ear. haven't skipped the song. yet... #
- 15:00 listening to all songs on my ipod starting with "t". currently the chilled "table for two" by caedmons call #
- 16:02 listening alphabetically. sheesh, alanis has 3 songs that start with "Tha": "Thank U", "That I Would Be Good", "That Particular Time". #
Dienstag, Februar 24, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:20 great post on the (sinful!) co-dependency between congregation and church leadership in many evangelical churches today. is.gd/kCER #
- 08:28 strongly considering giving up Twitter & Facebook for Lent after reading this (secular!) article on the idea. is.gd/kDtF #
- 09:27 refactoring stuff. #
- 09:58 any #chrome users out there know how to remove a url from the history so it doesn't auto-complete an obsolete port for 1 of my URLs? #
- 10:51 i love my wife far more than any other person in the world. #
- 11:24 yikes. gmail is down #
- 11:26 the entire twitter world seems to be talking about gmail being down. check it out it's hypnotizing: search.twitter.com/search?q=gmail #
- 13:21 WOW. GMail is still down - and it's been down for around 2 hours now! This is huge news. Well, now we know why it's still in Beta. #GFail #
- 13:34 ok gmail is back. finally. millions of addicted sighs can be heard all over the world. #
- 15:41 @Trupedo_Glastic Hmm I'd say in most areas, keeping 2 opposites distinct and in tension is healthier than either "amalgamation" or balance. #
- 17:01 Man Finally Unpauses 'Super Mario Bros.' After 18 Years Of Chores. :) is.gd/kGbx #
Sonntag, Februar 22, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:22 I highly recommend the movie "Lars and the Real Girl". Just excellent movie on the power of a church's love & acceptance of a broken dude. #
- 10:39 Heading out the door to visit Berlin Projekt. Finally. I've always wanted to check them out. #
- 14:17 Berlin Projekt was really enjoyable and interesting. I liked the subtle liturgy and loved the teaching. Tons of ex-Rock Berliners there. #
- 18:27 Un.be.lievable! A Delta flight to the US from 3/15 to 3/20 costs 1700€ (!) more than the same flight from 3/14 to 3/20. #whiskeytangofoxtrot #
Samstag, Februar 21, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 15:14 Haha, a blast from the past of RB: tinyurl.com/bjaxe6 #
Freitag, Februar 20, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:36 Great article on "online sermon elitism": tinyurl.com/cvbcjn #
- 11:59 wow the morning went by fast. #
- 12:46 "They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time." #
- 15:48 Amazed at the PMD results about duplicate code in our project. Hwhoah. Opening up a bunch of code quality tickets... #
- 17:03 feierabend! #
Donnerstag, Februar 19, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 10:42 beautiful grey Berlin snowy day. i love snow. #
- 11:37 "I need a new baby one month from now! Someone get me nine women!" #
- 16:25 Grönemeyer's "Der Weg" is so. frickin'. sad. :( #
Montag, Februar 16, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:29 @Trupedo_Glastic yeah well if hierarchy in the church looks the same as hierarchy outside the church, something is wrong. is.gd/jEYU #
- 08:44 RT @ajvan "God's like a shower drain, he sees all your dirt." #
- 10:37 @Trupedo_Glastic So did Paul, BTW. :) There's an old book by Roland Allen called "Missionary Methods: St. Paul's or ours" about just that. #
- 13:27 Blogging "The Second Coin" tinyurl.com/bcv2g4 #
- 13:45 dude what was up with the multiple twitter update when i blogged? not cool... #
- 13:56 looking forward to our new magnet agile wall's magnetic agility. #
- 15:51 @andypotter yeah i go through phases where i use it more often. lately i've hardly ever used it. #
- 16:35 "when everything is mission, nothing is mission." only skimmed this, but it looks like a great interview with stetzer. is.gd/jHdQ #
- 21:25 nice graph summarizing the severity of the current recession. is.gd/iGU2 #
- 21:57 another reason to travel first-class: is.gd/jjDw #
Sonntag, Februar 15, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 12:07 RT @bobhyatt: This chart? Pretty much the reason why the last thing I worry about right now is global warming. ping.fm/Cex5H #
Samstag, Februar 14, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 15:40 Feeling sapped and tired in more ways than one. The weird part? I have no idea why I'm feeling this way. #
Freitag, Februar 13, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:05 hmmm..i need new music. anyone have any ideas for stuff i might like? #
- 11:36 @Trupedo_Glastic nice and relaxing stuff. thanks. #
- 12:45 haunted by "Germany's Next Top Model". 1200 girls showed up to be judged for their beauty. 1200! 1 girl was sobbing, "Am I not beautiful?" #
- 15:05 reading the absolutely fabulous "Head First Design Patterns". best book on design patterns i know. #
- 16:09 RT @noeljesse: Catalyst Friends: WIN FREE BOOK (your choice) @ 4pm EST. enter here: bit.ly/gf9HD #
Today's Tweets
- 09:09 as tired as a <witty metaphore for utter tiredness>. #
- 11:54 feeling like it's 3am. #
- 12:37 reading "Prodigal God" by Tim Keller. Just excellent stuff about the two lost sons & the "elder brother syndrome". #
- 15:21 my third cup of coffee today is starting to show effects. Hah, take that, otherwordly tiredness! i am the great cornholio! #
- 16:36 looking forward to my "feierabend" #
- 20:46 "Man is wealthy in proportion to the number of things he can afford to do without." - Henry David Thoreau #
Mittwoch, Februar 11, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:19 ok i'll admit it. eating that whole cup of häagen-dazs was a bad choice... #
- 11:03 RT @djchuang RT @daynah: iCatchall: 16+ Apps in One (iphone App) Free only today. tinyurl.com/afgruz #
- 13:10 So comforting to see Jesus sigh in Mark 7:34. #
Montag, Februar 09, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:16 @Trupedo_Glastic re: holocaust thing in stetzer article. the thing they're pointing out is you can't express your opinion even if it's wrong #
- 08:21 @Trupedo_Glastic but the thing I like best are his points regarding what defining aspects of successful church plants are. #
- 08:39 Listened to teaching from Matt Chandler on how today's evg. church is trying to be light without being salt. Information w/o transformation. #
- 12:40 random thought: Matt Chandler's mannerisms and accent remind me a lot of Jeff Kern's. "...k?" #
- 19:49 RT @jonskeet (Google dev) Wahoo, we've launched! Calendar and contact sync for mobiles including Windows Mobile and iPhone: tinyu ... #
- 19:51 RT @jonskeet Wahoo, we've launched! Google Calendar and contact sync for mobiles including Windows Mobile&iPhone: tinyurl.com/dhla4j #
- 20:33 this turns my stomach. 5 month old fetus born alive during abortion. doc kills it by stuffing it into the trash (cnn!) is.gd/iN2r :-( #
- 20:43 @Radman oooh, tempting. Wish I had more money. #
Samstag, Februar 07, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 23:57 "[The cosmonaut reporting he hadn't found God in space] is like Hamlet going into the attic of his castle looking for Shakespeare." - Keller #
- 00:41 Stetzer's paper on "Why Europe" is a definite keeper. Great stuff. Far more in-depth than the article he posted last time. is.gd/iGte #
Freitag, Februar 06, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:27 @Trupedo_Glastic sounds like my kind of guy. ;D has the church started yet? #
- 08:36 wow. gmail offers "multiple inboxes" is.gd/iA8D #
- 08:39 Chilling to Bonobo, getting the day underway... #
- 08:54 @Trupedo_Glastic exciting stuff... #
- 10:26 Just heard the theme for the Euro Awaken 2010 conference is probably "24/7 Kingdom Living". Love it. Excited even though it's 11 months away #
- 11:54 @andypotter TMI man, TMI. ;-) #
- 12:06 ok this definitely sounds very cool. i've been waiting for someone to do this idea well and make millions. is.gd/iB7d #
- 13:53 @Trupedo_Glastic yeah but you just know the idea'll catch on at some point. someone just has to do it well. And "ShiftSpace" is a great name #
- 15:50 yikes what a jump, Alanis Morrissette "Would Not Come" and cheesy Christian CCM worship music(which I want off my iPod) don't mix very well. #
- 20:07 "I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back. No. turning. back." #
- 21:54 late-night teaching prep on the crucifixion (luke 23). getting excited. The cross is so unspeakably amazing. It really is. #
Donnerstag, Februar 05, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:01 @CeC unbelievable. that makes me feel old. :) wish her happy birthday from me if she remembers me. #
- 14:48 twittering by typing words about self-referentiality #
- 16:17 totally interrupting my nicest Flow experience this week by twittering about it. #
- 18:35 about to head off to the RB hangout evening. I still have yet to make my perfect Wii bowling game... #
Mittwoch, Februar 04, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 09:34 concurrency bugs are like the Predator. They're there, you just can't see them until it's too l... #
- 10:53 what was that Predator line? "If it bleeds, we can kill it..." Well, the bug bled. And I killed it. Muahaha...feels good. #
- 12:59 this impresses me more than anything Obama's done so far: saying "I screwed up." is.gd/ikv2 Did we ever hear Bush say that? #
- 22:03 yup, german tv crime shows are still as incredibly boring and bad as i remember them (the last time i watched one is years and years ago) #
Dienstag, Februar 03, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 08:10 whoa. is.gd/ibJj "tiny organs in their ears which respond to bat calls, sending their muscles into spasm, causing evasive maneuvers" #
- 08:21 I type in "en.wikipedia.org/wiki" and Chrome autosuggests this article: is.gd/ibLn Should I be worried? #whiskeytangofoxtrot #
- 13:23 just accidentally struck a Facebook friend gold mine and added a bazillion friend requests for old-time friends. The Internet is incredible. #
- 14:06 @Trupedo_Glastic if it's repetitive, automate it with AutoHotkey or something. is.gd/idgT #
- 14:10 listening to every song I have on my iPod that starts with a "G". Why? Because I can. #
- 14:30 @Trupedo_Glastic just noticed that article was a sucky introduction to the sweetness of autohotkey. sorry. :) www.autohotkey.com/ #
- 14:32 "Go" (Waterdeep), "Glück" (Grönemeyer), "Going Under" (Evanescence), "Gone" (Switchfoot)...pretty good songs with G. #
- 17:02 "6am in the hands of the morning i'm the skyline you are the sun. deep between our meeting the heavens are receding & the stars fade 1 by 1" #
- 19:41 Me: what did ya do today? Joshua: ummm...I pooped. Me: interesting. Good job! What else? Joshua: ummm...I pretty much just pooped. #
Montag, Februar 02, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 01:43 Yes! Go Cardinals! Watching the game at RB on the big screen... #
- 01:58 Aaah. Such a heartbreaking last play... #
- 03:24 Great game. #
- 03:49 Woooooooohooooooooo! What a game. #
- 04:13 Wow. What a great game. Congrats, Steelers. Good night world. #
- 08:13 @Trupedo_Glastic i've noticed your expletive to twitter ratio has climbed dramatically over the past month. hope you feel better soon :) #
- 08:14 back to work after 2.5 hours of sleep. why can't the U.S. be more foreigner-friendly and have the Super Bowl in the afternoon. #
- 09:38 twittering that i'm twittering while excel crunches a bazillion numbers for me. so much truth in this comic. xkcd.com/303/ #
- 12:34 this is just unbelievable. one of the mario world levels was secretly designed so that it plays itself if you just let it. is.gd/i4wY #
- 14:32 dude i am so tired. -_- #
- 16:57 phew. 1:45 hr long meeting. Did I say I was tired before? I didn't mean it. NOW I'm tired... #
Sonntag, Februar 01, 2009
Today's Tweets
- 14:30 playing Carcassonne with Stephi. Brings back sweet memories of the "Rad Pad" when I was a single, playing with Mike, Dave, Zakcq and Jessica #
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