- 15:09 Deeply touched by Penn (from Penn & Teller) the outspoke atheist being so touched by someone giving him a Bible. Unreal. is.gd/eh52 #
- 18:56 haha we get new year's first. poor americans. :) #
Mittwoch, Dezember 31, 2008
Today's Tweets
Montag, Dezember 29, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 00:41 Wow that was intense ("There Will Be Blood") - just incredible acting by Daniel Day Lewis. Very well made movie. #
- 21:30 This is just. Brilliant. "I think my wife's a Calvinist." is.gd/dcC9 #
Sonntag, Dezember 28, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 01:42 Up way late after a whipping by my brother in axis and allies. I'm glad the real allies weren't as dumb as I played them. #
- 17:44 My brother David shot this great picture of Sarah with her xylophone she got for Christmas. is.gd/dQ4K #
- 21:19 finally getting around to watching "There Will Be Blood" Looking forward to it. #
Donnerstag, Dezember 25, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:16 Whoa. My brother Mark just got 279 in Wii bowling. 2 7 9. Unreal. All strikes except for one spare. Congrats, Mark! #
Mittwoch, Dezember 24, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 00:34 Bought the grönemeyer double album for only 12 euros. No-brainer, really. That's 30 cents per song. #
Dienstag, Dezember 23, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:58 Chilling in the living room with sounds of Siedler and Wii in the background. Full house with 11 people!! #
- 15:15 I feel like I am becoming an old man. Stayed up late last night and am now so dead tired I am actually taking a nap. #
Sonntag, Dezember 21, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:21 reading Simple Church. Dieter has been non-stop talking about it so I'm really looking forward to reading it. is.gd/cIIV #
- 00:30 watching raab. not bad this time. but he's about to win. #
- 21:34 Watching Street Kings...interesting to see Keanu Reeves trying to play a tough guy. #
Samstag, Dezember 20, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 00:42 Just got back from the "dota die kleingeldprinzessin" concert. lots of fun. It's been too long since my last concert. Gnight. #
- 21:35 That was a really fun RB service - so great to see claudia and also daniel & Nina all happen to come on the same evening. #
- 21:54 another killer app for ipod touch: gflash+. flashcard program. great for memorizing stuff (even does pictures!) #
- 22:51 RT @djchuang very very cool iPhone app = seadragon , like digital microfiche from the old days is.gd/bQD9 #
Freitag, Dezember 19, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:56 @Trupedo_Glastic yeah it's an awesome book #
- 09:01 Anyone out there think the Christian church of the Middle Ages thought the earth is flat? Read this: is.gd/ctA1 #
- 12:50 finally getting around to listening to (I mean watching!) the Peasant Princess series (Mark Driscoll, Song of Solomon, etc.). Good stuff. #
- 14:25 Roughly 2 hours and i'll be off work for 2 and a half weeks! sooo looking forward to that... #
- 14:26 yikes my twitter followership dropped from 80 to 69 in one day. either twitter cleaned up spam followers (yay!) or it was something i said. #
- 15:49 @epaga yeah - chilling at home with EVERYONE from the family except Timothy & Tabea. 11 people in our little 4 room apartment will be fun :) #
- 16:06 Wow. nuevasync.com looks like the solution to all my problems. Every last one...OK, that's a lil' overstatement. i have a lot of problems. #
- 16:29 @noeljesse bummer. what are you doing instead? #
- 16:30 @radman yeah - chilling at home with EVERYONE from the family except Timothy & Tabea. 11 people in our little 4 room apartment'll be fun :) #
- 16:56 @noeljesse hm based on this: is.gd/cwJ0 it seems like it's working for most people... well just i'll try it and see. #
- 19:06 Wow nuevasync works just greatso far for synching gcal and my iPod... Woohoo!!!! #
Donnerstag, Dezember 18, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 09:59 creating my first setup (msi) program with Visual Studio. This is pretty fun...if it ends up working, that is. #
- 11:39 my whole workspace is currently being rebuilt. which of course is the #1 reason for programmers to legitimately slack off: is.gd/1rCI #
- 12:47 i downloaded touchTodo (for free!) and am just amazed. it is the PERFECT GTD app for my ipod touch - it even syncs to Google Calendar!!! #
- 18:59 @Radman it is easy if you have the professional edition #
- 19:00 Joshua just tossed his cookies... Uh-oh... I sure hope it is because he was wolfing down his food and not because of a flu. That'd suck. #
Mittwoch, Dezember 17, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:31 playing around with my new ipod touch (!!!) though i really should be getting to bed. sooo much fun, though. #
- 00:48 Ok the iPod Touch is officially totally addictive. I am now FORCING myself to get to bed. Good. night. #
- 14:05 wow, itunes for windows is unbelievably bloated and slow. i knew that already but now I'm knowing it...in the biblical sense. #
- 20:14 Sitting at our lead team meeting, twittering about it. #
- 22:34 dude, google earth on the ipod touch is unbelievably awesome. #
Dienstag, Dezember 16, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 10:24 if you have more than a couple plugins in Eclipse, NEVER EVER click on "update" in your plugin manager. It doesn't let you cancel. arrrrrgh. #
- 11:54 this is pretty sweet: a histogram displaying which artists you listened to how often over the past year. is.gd/bVLL #
- 17:00 woohoo! last minute "eureka" moment and i got something to work I've been working on almost all day. feels nice to finish the day like that. #
Montag, Dezember 15, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:34 "they...tried...to...make...me...go...to...re...hab...but...i...said...noooooooo..nooo.nooooo" - sea turtle is.gd/bJcI #
- 16:11 "Everyone welcome!" and "Everlasting Punishment" somehow makes for an interesting mix. :) is.gd/bM6M #
- 16:39 about to head off to the company Christmas party. bowling (yes, real bowling) first, then steak dinner. #
Sonntag, Dezember 14, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 14:31 "Ernest Hemingway once wrote, 'The world is a fine place and worth fighting for.' I agree with the second part." #
Samstag, Dezember 13, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 23:39 Merry Christmas in the most random way I can imagine. is.gd/bpp5 (yes I laughed tears on this one) #
- 16:13 Wow the new GMail PDF viewer rocks. Fast. Sharp. I think I might prefer it to Acrobat Reader in my browser. #
- 22:08 the service was way fun and went well. great food, a ton of guests, the message worked out great. Thanks for praying to those who did. #
Freitag, Dezember 12, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:25 preach it krusty...From the Krusty Sage Archive: Quit Buying Crap You Can't Afford Just "Because It's Christmas." Sheesh. is.gd/bihp #
- 08:27 going right along with that advice, more of the same from the wise SNL people: is.gd/1MmQ And now, enough of the RSS procrastination. #
- 13:31 Wow. Beautiful site. RT @Trupedo_Glastic RT @isabo www.dayswithmyfather.com #
- 16:45 "Sorry, but I think you accidentally the verb." #
- 19:29 teaching prep city. could you shoot up a quick 5-second prayer for my message tomorrow night, that God would speak through me? thanks. #
- 21:37 ok now i'm excited about the teaching tomorrow. :) time to chill and play some flash games or somethin'. xkcd.com/484/ #
- 22:38 speaking of flash games: i just beat the is.gd/9Om3 demo. what a beautiful game. going to bed now. (found that on spreeblick.com btw) #
Donnerstag, Dezember 11, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:33 ah the beauty of stackoverflow. I ask for pointers, algorithms, and ideas for a certain problem. 17 hours(!) later: is.gd/b7AM #
- 12:58 @Trupedo_Glastic - it's a facebook app #
- 13:01 Driscoll on Emergent: is.gd/b8XZ Good though slightly dated. I appreciate the "Relevant / Reconstructionist / Revisionist" categories #
- 13:04 twitter's internationalization: "ungefähr 2 stunden ago from web". sorry guys, but good i18n needs to take grammar into account. #
Mittwoch, Dezember 10, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 13:23 next time i feel embarrassed i'll remember i'm probably not feeling as embarrassed as these research journal editors were: is.gd/aRvy #
- 17:03 feierabend! and then: christmas-tree-aus-picking #
Dienstag, Dezember 09, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:25 finally!! gmail has a todo list!! that spells bad, bad news for rememberthemilk, todoist, and the bazillion other organizer sites. #
- 08:27 @Radman how are you learning Python? #
Montag, Dezember 08, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 13:25 thinking of how to come up with $$$ to get a 32gb ipod touch. maybe i could ebay my living room table. hm then i wouldn't have one any more. #
Samstag, Dezember 06, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 13:10 did some pair programming today. not bad, though i'm still not completely sure it's really more efficient in the end run. #
Freitag, Dezember 05, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 13:10 did some pair programming today. not bad, though i'm still not completely sure it's really more efficient in the end run. #
Montag, Dezember 01, 2008
Today's Tweets
- 08:49 getting the work week underway with some ipod goodness. let's see what the shuffle brings: "I will talk and Hollywood will listen". Not bad. #
- 08:51 Brilliant. RT @ajvan What we need is a device to siphon off excess energy from small children and channel it to those who really need it. #
- 12:54 Powerful and sad quote: "I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong." - Bertrand Russell is.gd/9HQe #
- 15:12 @radman yeah maybe those machines got something right after all... #
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