First: Grassroots Music - a bunch of Christian indie songs and albums for sale, plus loads of free MP3s. My favorite MP3 so far is the acid jazzy "Ominous" by a guy named John Mark McMillan. Check it out!
Second: A very funny blog called "Old Grandma Hardcore" by a guy about his grandma's video gaming experiences. She's a gamer - has beaten Final Fantasy VII, and is playing Prince of Persia on XBox right now. It's hilarious, although (because?) she swears a lot at the games, so you've been warned. :) Here's a quote that kind of summarizes the page:
She's had two knee replacements and countless surgeries. If you were to see her in a grocery store you would see a old, Midwestern diabetic with thick glasses held up by a crutch or a shopping cart stumbling along smiling at everybody. She's polite, a safe driver, mother of five and grandmother of twelve. She's great. But if you get her in front of a game she likes, she becomes a monster; a demon who craves the blood, nay- the life-force of her enemies manifested as a swear happy old lady in a comfy chair. She has destroyed many controllers in frustration, already wore out two PS2's, and will gladly walk into a Gamestop or EB Games with the swagger of one with more knowledge about games and gaming than the teenager behind the counter can ever hope to amass.