My thesis is pretty much finished. I'll be sending it in by email to my professor for a bit of proof-reading, and I'll add a thing or two here or there, but other than that, I'm finished!!! Another week or so and I'm home free.
On another note...every now and then I get a creative streak. :) Just wrote a poem. Check it out (underneath the German)!
Meine Bachelorarbeit ist so gut wie fertig. Ich werd sie heute per Email meinem Prof schicken zum Korrekturlesen, werde hier und da noch ein paar Sachen ändern, aber ansonsten bin ich fertig!!! Noch etwa ne Woche oder so und ich bin GANZ fertig.
Was anderes...ab und zu trifft mich eine leicht kreative Ader. :) Hab gerade ein Gedicht geschrieben. Schaut's euch an!
"keep your eyes on me"
he said
"keep your eyes on mine"
as we climbed down this
Ravine, this
path Crooked, Broken, Steep
My hand in his
his eyes on Mine
"keep your eyes on me"
so high up,
ground so far down
path Slippery, path Unstabile
i slip and
too free
no hand holds mine
WHERE is He?
in the arms of Him
Who is above me
yet amazingly
below me
i look through His eyes
and know
"Keep your eyes on Me"
My thesis is pretty much finished. I'll be sending it in by email to my professor for a bit of proof-reading, and I'll add a thing or two here or there, but other than that, I'm finished!!! Another week or so and I'm home free.
On another note...every now and then I get a creative streak. :) Just wrote a poem. Check it out (underneath the German)!
Meine Bachelorarbeit ist so gut wie fertig. Ich werd sie heute per Email meinem Prof schicken zum Korrekturlesen, werde hier und da noch ein paar Sachen ändern, aber ansonsten bin ich fertig!!! Noch etwa ne Woche oder so und ich bin GANZ fertig.
Was anderes...ab und zu trifft mich eine leicht kreative Ader. :) Hab gerade ein Gedicht geschrieben. Schaut's euch an!
"keep your eyes on me"
he said
"keep your eyes on mine"
as we climbed down this
Ravine, this
path Crooked, Broken, Steep
My hand in his
his eyes on Mine
"keep your eyes on me"
so high up,
ground so far down
path Slippery, path Unstabile
i slip and
too free
no hand holds mine
WHERE is He?
not here
in the arms of Him
Who is above me
yet amazingly
below me
i look through His eyes
and know
"Keep your eyes on Me"